Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 18, 2023

Last updated: Aug 20, 2023

The terms "Hiresmrt", "we", and "us" refer to Hiresmrt, a service offered by Youn Commodities. We are committed to safeguarding and respecting your privacy with our services. Our privacy policy explains how Hiresmrt collects, uses, and shares personal data about you if you are an Employer using our services to track and collect applications or a Job Seeker simply applying to jobs.

1. What personal information do we collect

Hiresmrt will be collecting basic information about the employer’s business entity including the company name, industry, logo, and the website. The personal information of the employer will mostly be limited to their first name, last name, and their work or personal email. When an Employer posts a job, we will store the job information such as the job title, description, location, and screening questions.

Hiresmrt will also be collecting information from Job Seekers when they apply to a job, including their first name, last name, email, phone number, resume.

In addition to data collected from user input, Hiresmrt will be using analytics software automatically to track usage data through cookies, you may choose to opt-out. Data will be collected in accordance to applicable laws, rules, and regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.

2. How we use your Personal Information

We use your collected personal information to:

- Provide an excellent user experience so that Employers and Job Seekers can see and use their data all on one platform. This prevents users from manually re-entry of information each time our services are accessed.
- To carry out the core functionality to connect Employers and Job Seekers in accordance with the Terms of Service of Hiresmrt.
- Notify Job Seekers and Employers about updates, applications/candidates, promotions, and marketing purposes. Promotion and marketing notifications should be sent upon consent from the user.
- For third-party advertisers to present personalized ads for users and to promote any affiliate products from

3. Cookies and Browsing Information

When your visit our website for the first time, you will be prompted to consent to the use of cookies, scripts, or tracking tags used by us and third-party services. We track using session and persistent cookies to provide the desired experience while receiving information on users to improve Hiresmrt. These tracking services collect data to improve the experience for Employers and Job Seekers for the entire hiring process. We use session cookies to track to use your unique user ID to access your data or apply to applications without being mistaken for another applicant. Session cookies disappear once you close the website and only data that you input directly and save will be saved to your account. Persistent cookies may run even when you are not on the website, we take your digital security seriously and your information remains confidential and will only be used as consented.

4. Your Storage Security

We take our users’ ( including “Employers” and “Job Seekers” ) personal data security seriously and we try our hardest to implement best practices to keep your information safe from malicious use. However, no security will be completely safe online, so there are no guarantees or warranties for the security of the information provided to Hiresmrt. Our servers are located in the United States, managed by Google’s database service to provide fast and secure data storage. Should there be any security breach within our system, we may send a notification via our website or email. We do not allow nor store data from children under 13 years of age as this service is targeted for ages 18+ and they are not legal to work by law. By providing your personal information with us, you, the Employer or Job Seeker, agree to us storing, processing, and communicating your data if a jurisdiction’s authorities require access of your data.

5. Contact Information

Should you have any questions or requests in relation to our Privacy Policy, please contact the following:

Contact Name: Privacy Staff

Youn Commodities

Email: [email protected]

We value your privacy

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